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Tips on beating diabetes naturally.

Testing blood sugar levels.
In ancient China, people observed that ants were attracted to some sickly people's urine, thus naming the disease the "Sweet Urine Disease." We now know this disease as diabetes, from the Greek word diabainein, which means siphon. It was the Greek physician Aretus who was responsible for bringing this chronic metabolic disease to the attention of the modern world after observing that many of his patients were passing water as if being poured through them like a siphon.

Ask anyone who suffers from diabetes and they will be quick to tell you that beside their glucose excessive blood and urine there is nothing sweet about having diabetes. It is one of the biggest killers world wide and with the changing lifestyles of the modern world is on the rise. With no known medical cure yet, prevention and limiting the effects of diabetes has become a focus of the medical fraternity world wide.

At this stage it must be noted that there are several different types of diabtes. Type 1, Type 2 and gestational diabetes. Apparently there is no way to prevent Type 1 diabetes  but the risk of contracting Type 2 diabetes can be reduced considerably by controlling ones weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle of a balanced diet, regular exercise and reducing stress triggers in ones life.

For many years sufferers of diabetes were condemned to a shortened life of pain and many restrictions
on the quality of life they could lead. Recent scientific research into how lifestyle choices affect lifespans and the quality of life diabetes patients lead has given many people a hand of hope up though.

Regular exercise, following a healthy eating plan and keeping stressful situations down to a minimum have been shown to improve the length and quality of life of diabetes affected people. Another ray of hope has been the introduction of 100% organic and herbal products onto the market. One such product is di-BTRIM, which helps sufferers in more ways than one. Based on recent scientific research which shows that our bodies Adult Stem Cells are our very own natural healers, di-BTRIM goes about restoring imbalances in ones body and improving the functioning of the body's organs. The precise composition of the powerful ingredients in di-BTRIM also target secondary diseases associated with diabetes, like high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, strokes etc. Patients using di-BTRIM have noticed marked improvements in their health just weeks after beginning their first course.
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di-BTRIM: The healing power of nature wrapped in a capsule.

Do you suffer from diabetes, high blood cholesterol or high blood pressure? Have you been from pillar to post trying all sorts of remedies but still suffer just as before? You will be interested to know then that scientists have uncovered the body's natural healing system.

In recent scientific tests, it has been noted that when a tissue or organ is damaged, diseased or otherwise stressed, it sends out a SOS which travels through the bloodstream to the bone marrow, the Adult Stem Cell(ASC) Factory. The bone marrow then releases ASC's which travel back to the needy tissue or organ where they morph into healthy cells of that specific organ or tissue, thus healing the body.

But if the Adult Stem Cells are the body's natural healer, why are so many people sick? One need look no further than the demands our modern lifestyles place upon our bodies to find the answer to that. The way most people live does not lend itself to a healthy body but rather an unhealthy one. Therefore, it stands to reason that if we could help our bodies produce more ASC's, we would be able to fight off disease and recuperate from illnesses and injuries much quicker.

The producers of di-BTRIM have taken this revelatory information and combined it with the 15 years of research they have conducted to ascertain the efficacy of various natural herbs against various specific diseases to produce a 100% organic and natural remedy in the fight against diabetes, gangrene associated with diabetes, high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol.

di-BTRIM therefore works in two very powerful ways; one, by helping the body to produce more Adult Stem Cells and two, through its carefully researched mix of ingredients, which are powerful on their own but become extraordinarily effective when combined in the perfect mix.

Not surprising then, patients who took di-BTRIM for diabetes, high blood pressure or cholesterol also noticed remarkable health improvements in other areas of their lives, notably improved general well being, better sleep and grey hair returning to its natural colour. Woman who had suffered painful periods for years said that their periods became painless and patients who were beset with migraines found relief.

An added benefit of di-BTRIM being a 100% natural and organic remedy is that no long term side effects were suffered by users. However, the fact that the ingredients in di-BTRIM are very powerful herbs, it is advised that patients consult their physicians first before taking a course of di-BTRIM. Pregnant, breast-feeding woman and children under 12 should not attempt to take di-BTRIM.

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A miracle, diabetes related gangrene cured!

In danger of foot being amputated.
Mr Lim(67 years old), was slowly being incapacitated by diabetes. A stroke, brought on by a combination of the diabetes, high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol followed by worsening gangrene in the foot had reduced him to lying in bed.

"I couldn't stand on my foot, let alone walk," Mr Lim laments, adding that his doctor had put him on a strict diet which he hated.

At that point a friend visited him and suggested that he try di-BTRIM, a new product on the market that had reportedly been very effective in healing diabetes related gangrene. Mr Lim began taking the di-BTRIM, two capsules a day, and within 2 or 3 days he noticed that his foot had begun to dry up.

At that stage Lim had to pay regular visits to his doctor, who was amazed at the healing taking place. Not only was his foot healing but the doctor recorded that Lim's blood pressure and blood cholesterol were dropping. So much so that after a month and a half Mr Lim was rejoicing at the fact that his doctor had given him permission to drink coffee and eat biscuits again.

3 months after Mr Lim began taking di-BTRIM, he was able to stand on his foot again and walk around without needing the help of someone else. "di-BTRIM gave him his life back," Mrs Lim, his wife, says.

After 2 months, Mr Lim's foot is almost totally healed. Just a month later it was totally healed and he was able to walk around on it.

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Treat Diabetes Naturally | by WITTSTOCK MEDIA ©2012